When Earth is an Abstract Artist...
Vividly colored lakes, vibrant streams, unearthly textures… Things you rather expect to to see in a modern art museum, not outside your window… I have to admit, the effect when you encounter such vistas in real life is a lot more overwhelming than looking at most valued art piece.
Those abstract landscapes are created by evaporating salt, and are both nature made and created by humans. Tiny micro-organisms (algae) thrive in such salty environments, changing their color from green to magenta depending on the salinity of the pond.
Salt Graffiti – Trona, CA

Crystal Lips

The Spring
Red Lake

Yellow Lake

Salt-Based Lifeforms

Extraction Pools

Utah Salt Springs
Lithium Mine #1

Lithium Mine #2

Rothko in Nature

Rothko in Nature (Alt)

Border #1

Border #2

Sky Reflections

Abstract #3324
Cirrus over Yellow Lake

Abstract #7431
Bonneville Springs

Abstract #7359
Abstract #1480

Abstract #1506

Cirrus over Flats #2

Extraction #3
